
AI to dominate annual Paris startup event VivaTech

Credit: Google DeepMind from Pexels

1000’s of tech lovers are anticipated to begin submitting into Europe’s self-declared greatest startup occasion VivaTech in Paris on Wednesday, which this 12 months will deal with synthetic intelligence.

The four-day occasion, now in its eighth 12 months, will host greater than 150,000 visitors, 11,000 startups and 450 audio system, in response to the organizers.

Whereas former US local weather envoy and secretary of state John Kerry is predicted to make a push for a inexperienced tech revolution, billionaire Tesla and SpaceX proprietor Elon Musk will seem by way of video hyperlink to reply viewers questions.

Francois Bitouzet, director basic of VivaTech, instructed AFP this 12 months’s occasion can be specializing in the “hard stuff”.

“We want to stop the theoretical discussions on AI and get into concrete innovations,” he stated.

A slew of startups shall be displaying how AI can be utilized in each subject from medical prosthetics to the battle towards disinformation.

They are going to be joined by established gamers like ChatGPT maker OpenAI, which shall be outlining its newest instruments for builders.

‘AI tsunami’

Within the face of this “AI tsunami”, stated Ben Wooden of CCS Perception, firms must be cautious to not overwhelm their potential customers.

“There’s a lot of exciting things about AI, but you need to very clearly articulate what the benefits for consumers are,” he instructed AFP.

“Because we are rapidly approaching AI fatigue, when people just tune out.”

The occasion frequently attracts main political figures, with EU heavyweights Thierry Breton and Charles Michel anticipated to attend.

Nevertheless, French President Emmanuel Macron, an everyday attendee, is unlikely to participate this 12 months.

Macron is as a substitute set to go to the French territory of New Caledonia, greater than 15,000 kilometers from Paris.

The Pacific territory has suffered days of unrest after indigenous Kanaks rejected adjustments to voting guidelines that might have boosted the affect of people that had arrived not too long ago.

© 2024 AFP

AI to dominate annual Paris startup occasion VivaTech (2024, May 22)
retrieved 22 May 2024

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