
DGP's 'camera eye' locked; Relief for cops…no more surveillance for interventions

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Thiruvananthapuram: The DGP's digital camera management room put in on the police headquarters was locked. The motion was taken on the directions of DGP Sheikh Darvesh Sahib. Surveillance together with cameras at Sabarimala Sannidhanam has ended.

An elaborate system has been set as much as monitor police cameras together with police stations and Sannidhanam. The operation of the stations, the habits of the policemen, the management of the site visitors in Sabarimala, and many others., may very well be monitored from the police headquarters. However the brand new DGP's suggestion is that this isn’t needed. On the identical time, the previous management room will proceed to perform. The policemen themselves say that the police stations will perform as they see match with the disappearance of digital camera surveillance.

The policemen additionally had little worry as they have been underneath surveillance. With this additionally gone, worry additionally ends. Earlier, body-worn cameras have been supplied to law enforcement officials to observe their habits.

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