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Surya Krishnamurthy Arsha Darshan Award Committee Chairman.

New York: Arsha Darshana Puraskara Nirhana Samiti constituted by Kerala Hindus of North America (KHNA)
KHNA has nominated the well-known artist Surya Krishna Murthy because the chairman and the well-known linguist and novelist Dr. George Onakure, the creator and eminent doctor of America Dr. MV Pillai because the committee members. President Dr. Nishapilla knowledgeable.
Awarded each two years for complete contribution to novel, poetry, brief story, overview and scholarly literature in Malayalam language along with Arshabharata Darshans.
The award consists of 1 lakh rupees, a sculpture and a quotation.
Mahakavi Akittam was the primary winner of the Arsha Darshana Puraskar, which began in 2017. Then distinguished novelist and storyteller C. Radhakrishnan and poet and movie expertise Sreekumaran Thambi have additionally obtained this award. The award winner might be introduced on Thiruvonam day by a committee headed by Surya Krishnamurthy and KHNA might be held in Kochi in January 2025. The award ceremony can be held on the Kerala Sangam. The varied actions associated to this are coordinated by the sub-committee consisting of Dr. Narayanan Neithalath and Surendran Nair.

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