
The mortal remains of Mar Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan will be brought to Kerala on 20th, cremation on 21st

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New Delhi: The physique of the Supreme Leader of the Believers Japanese Church Mar Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan shall be delivered to Kerala on the twentieth of this month. After public viewing on the Believers Conference Heart in St. Thomas Nagar, Tiruvalla, he shall be buried on the St. Thomas Believers Japanese Church Cathedral on the twenty first.

The Synod of the Believers' Japanese Church introduced that the timings and so on. shall be introduced later. After the formalities are accomplished, the bodily physique shall be delivered to India.

The Metropolitan was hit by a automobile on Tuesday throughout a morning stroll on the highway close to the Gospel for Asia headquarters in Texas. He was significantly injured and was taken to a hospital in Dallas, the place surgical procedure was carried out however his life couldn’t be saved. The police took the hit automobile into custody. The Metropolitan's spouse Gisella and youngsters Daniel and Sarah are in America.

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