
'Wave of change seen in Baramulla'

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New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned that the massive turnout in Jammu and Kashmir's Baramulla within the fifth part of polling is an indication of an enormous change. In response to the Election Fee, the polling right here is 55.79 %. Modi mentioned that he congratulates the voters of Baramulla from the underside of his coronary heart.

Jammu and Kashmir Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha mentioned in X that it is a proof of the folks's agency religion in democracy. It was a joyous expertise for the folks of Baramulla to take part within the Kumbh Mela of the Democracy Competition, famous Manoj Sinh.

Responding to the Lt. Governor's put up, the Prime Minister congratulated the folks. I respect my brothers and sisters in Baramulla for exhibiting agency respect for democratic ideas. “It's a big wave,” he mentioned.

Baramulla has now recorded the very best voter turnout within the historical past of eight Lok Sabha elections spanning thirty-five years.

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