
About 5000 people were caught in the investigation to catch gangsters

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Thiruvananthapuram : Greater than 5,000 individuals have been arrested in a three-day state-wide raid to nab gangsters.

State Police Chief Dr. Assessed by Sheikh Darvesh Saheb. Operation AG towards gangsters and D-hunt towards drug mafias have been mixed for 3 days of inspection throughout the state.

These concerned in gang actions, these concerned in severe crimes, warrant suspects and others had been arrested. The investigation which began following the criticism that gang assaults are growing will proceed until the twenty fifth of this month.

The police have a observe of intentionally omitting some data within the report given to the district collector about gangsters, regardless that they may have been deported. Resulting from this, there was a scenario the place the Collector couldn’t approve the deportation order and it was being criticized that the gangsters had been being given the chance to roam freely.

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