
Co-operative society fraud in CPM control; Crime branch will investigate

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Kasaragod: The Kasaragod District Crime Department will examine the case of fraud within the CPM-controlled Kasaragod Karaduka Agriculturalist Welfare Cooperative Society. An eight-member investigation staff will examine the case.

It’s reported that secretary Okay Ratheesan, who dedicated a fraud of Rs 4.76 crore, made actual property investments in Karaduka Agriculturalist Welfare Cooperative Society. It’s reported that he purchased a land in Wayanad and two flats in Bengaluru.

The accused took pretend gold mortgage loans within the title of oldsters and siblings and likewise embezzled Rs 1.10 crore money credit score obtained by the society from Kerala Financial institution. He left the place with the gold of 42 individuals who had pledged it to the society.

The investigation staff is attempting to nab Ratheesan who’s absconding. Ratheesan, who was a member of the CPM Mulleria native committee, was suspended from get together membership.

Congress and BJP allege that such a giant rip-off couldn’t have occurred with out the CPM's data.


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