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Lok Sabha Election 2024: Rahul Gandhi targets BJP

Lok Sabha Election 2024: Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi has strongly attacked BJP. He has stated that BJP ought to cease dreaming of abolishing the nation's structure and reservation as a result of his celebration and crores of individuals of the nation is not going to enable this to occur. Addressing an election assembly at Dilshad Backyard in North East Delhi Lok Sabha constituency, he referred to as upon the people who this election is an election to avoid wasting the Structure.

Rahul Gandhi additionally stated that if the 'India' alliance authorities is shaped on the middle, the 'Agnipath' scheme for military recruitment will probably be abolished as a result of it’s in opposition to the military. He stated, we’re going to throw the Agneepath scheme within the dustbin as a result of it’s in opposition to the military, in opposition to patriotism. A soldier will get the standing of a martyr and pension, however an 'Agniveer' will neither get the standing of a martyr, nor pension, nor social safety.

Modi authorities stopped the engine of the financial system

Congress chief Rahul Gandhi claimed that the Modi authorities has stopped the engine of the financial system, however when the 'India' alliance authorities is shaped, this engine will probably be restarted by giving monetary assist to the poor and the youth. Whereas in search of votes for Congress candidate Kanhaiya Kumar from North East Delhi, Rahul Gandhi additionally stated that this can be a battle of ideology and an election to avoid wasting the Structure. He alleged that the Modi authorities needs to finish the Structure.

Don’t dream: Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi stated that their (BJP) leaders have overtly stated that they’ll change the Structure… I wish to inform the individuals of BJP and RSS that don’t dream, this isn’t in your energy, you can not do that. Crores of individuals of India are standing in entrance of you, the Congress Party is standing. Let's see what occurs in the event you individuals attempt to change the Structure. He claimed, reservation has come from the Structure…these individuals wish to abolish reservation. We is not going to let reservation disappear.

Learn Additionally : Net Story: Rahul Gandhi is a 'nice man', stated Acharya Pramod Krishnam

Throughout Covid, individuals have been requested to 'play the thali'

Rahul Gandhi focused Prime Minister Narendra Modi and stated, the Prime Minister of the nation overtly says within the interview that I’m not organic, I’ve been despatched by God for a mission…the one whom God despatched instructed the individuals to 'play the thali' throughout Covid. He stated that as quickly as Congress involves energy, it would fill the 30 lakh vacant posts in numerous departments of the central authorities. Rahul Gandhi talked about the election guarantees made by Congress for the youth and girls and stated that as quickly as the federal government is shaped, cash will probably be deposited within the accounts of the individuals 'khata khat, khata khat'.

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