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Mamta Banerjee's big allegation on the Election Commission, calling her a puppet working at the behest of Modi

Questioning BJP's declare of profitable 400 seats within the Lok Sabha elections, Mamata Banerjee stated that BJP is claiming to win 400 seats, however persons are saying that this is not going to occur this time. We are going to help 'India' from outdoors to type the federal government on the Centre.

Mamta Banerjee called the Election Commission a puppet working at the behest of Modi.
Mamta Banerjee known as the Election Fee a puppet working on the behest of Modi.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday launched a significant assault on the Election Fee, calling the election physique a “puppet” working beneath the directions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mamata Banerjee stated, “The Election Commission is a puppet and works as per the instructions of Modi. Voting has been going on for two and a half months, have you (election officials) ever realized the problems of the common people?”

Addressing an election rally at Chinsurah in Hooghly district, Banerjee criticized the Election Fee for scheduling a two-month lengthy election and alleged that it was favoring the BJP whereas ignoring the hardships confronted by the frequent individuals resulting from excessive warmth. The choice was taken.

The chief minister, together with actress Rachna Banerjee, the occasion's candidate from Hooghly, hit out at Prime Minister Modi through the elections by reportedly saying plans to increase the Ayushman Bharat scheme to cowl senior residents above 70 years of age and the Mannequin Code of Conduct (MCC). Accused of violating the MCC. He stated, “Now when elections are going on, why are you saying this? You should have announced this earlier…Modi Babu, you are violating the Model Code of Conduct.”

Mamata Banerjee expressed doubt over BJP's bold goal of securing 400 seats within the Lok Sabha elections. He stated, “BJP is claiming to win 400 seats, however persons are saying that this is not going to occur this time. We (Trinamool Congress) will help 'India' from outdoors to type the federal government on the Centre.” Banerjee introduced her occasion's unwavering stand in opposition to the implementation of the Citizenship Modification Act (CAA), Nationwide Register of Residents (NRC) and Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Bengal.

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