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Narendra Modi will no longer be Prime Minister after June 4, 'India' alliance storm in the country: Rahul Gandhi

Whereas 'reposting' this publish of Congress, Rahul Gandhi mentioned, “No matter how much 'Factory of Lies' BJP consoles itself, it will not make any difference. Once again I am saying that after June 4, Narendra Modi will no longer be the Prime Minister.”

Narendra Modi will no longer be Prime Minister after June 4: Rahul Gandhi
Narendra Modi will not be Prime Minister after June 4: Rahul Gandhi

Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi once more claimed on Wednesday that there’s a storm of 'India' alliance in each nook of the nation and Prime Minister Narendra Modi won’t stay in workplace after June 4.

He re-posted two movies associated to his speech launched by the Congress celebration on 'X' and in addition alleged that BJP is operating a 'manufacturing facility of lies'.

Congress alleges {that a} portion of Rahul Gandhi's speech was edited by BJP to propagate that Narendra Modi will stay the Prime Minister of India after June 4, 2024.

The primary opposition celebration says that Rahul Gandhi had mentioned in his speech that Narendra Modi will not be the Prime Minister of India after June 4.

Whereas 'reposting' this publish of Congress, Rahul Gandhi mentioned, “Regardless of how a lot 'Manufacturing unit of Lies' BJP consoles itself, it won’t make any distinction. As soon as once more I’m saying that after June 4, Narendra Modi will not be the Prime Minister. The storm of 'India' is blowing in each nook of the nation.

With inputs from PTI

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