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Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had a special attachment to Barhi, had inaugurated many schemes

Barhi (Hazaribagh): The demise anniversary of the nation's first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is on 27 May (Monday). He died on 27 May 1964. Nehru has made a useful contribution to the Barhi area of Hazaribagh. The primary dam of India's public sector Damodar Valley Company and a 4 megawatt hydroelectric energy plant have been arrange on this area. For this Tilaiya Dam venture, land was taken from 65 villages of Barhi subdivision. On this land, the inspiration stone of the DVC Tilaiya Dam Mission was laid in 1948 and after the completion of the venture, Prime Minister Pandit Nehru inaugurated it on 21 February 1953.

Jawaharlal inaugurated the bridge constructed on Tilaiya Dam

The bridge constructed on Tilaiya Dam whereas going from Ranchi to Patna was additionally inaugurated by Jawaharlal Nehru. That is the explanation why this bridge is called Jawahar Bridge. The practically seven kilometer lengthy valley from Barhi to Urwan on NH 31 was named Jawahar Valley after him. A phenomenal stone staircase was constructed close to Jawarpul to go down from the highway to the dam water. Nehru went right down to the dam water by climbing down this staircase. The staircase was demolished within the means of widening NH 31 to 4 lanes. Jawahar Park was constructed within the reminiscence of Nehru to the north of Jawahar Bridge and a phenomenal Chacha Nehru Park was constructed close to village Madhavpur to the south of the dam, which is in a nasty situation right this moment on account of lack of correct upkeep. This space is a witness to the contribution and reminiscence of Pandit Nehru, however there’s not even his statue right here.

Demand to put in Nehru's statue in Jawahar Valley

Nehru Vichar Manch Barhi has demanded to put in a statue in Jawahar Valley in honour of the primary Prime Minister Pandit Nehru in view of his contribution. The suitable place for the statue is close to Jawahar Bridge. This demand has additionally been supported by Barhi's social activist Kapil Kesari, Youth Congress' Manohar Yadav, Media Cell's Uday Kesari.

What do legislators say

Barhi MLA Umashankar Akela Yadav mentioned that contemplating the contribution of Pandit Nehru, the concept of ​​putting in his life-size statue in Jawahar Valley is nice. After the election code of conduct is lifted, the DVC administration will likely be talked to about putting in the statue. I can even speak to the Chief Minister.

Additionally Learn: On at the present time, the nation's first Prime Minister breathed his final, know the way was Jawaharlal Nehru's final day

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