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RG tax case is a rare crime, the culprit should be given death sentence, not life imprisonment: Pramod Tiwari

Veteran Congress chief and Rajya Sabha deputy chief Pramod Tiwari spoke completely to IANS on Tuesday. Throughout this, he expressed disappointment over the life imprisonment given to the primary accused Sanjay Rai in Kolkata's RGKar case and talked about giving dying penalty.

Congress chief Pramod Tiwari informed IANS, “After seeing the post-mortem report, it came to light that a daughter who had immense potential as a doctor had to succumb to lust and brutality, just because of a crazy person. If any post-mortem If you see the report, you will know how much cruelty and cruelty was done to her. The culprit should have been given death penalty, which has not been done by the government. “And demand dying penalty. This is likely one of the uncommon crimes.”

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