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Section 370: All legal battles are over; The petitioners lost their last straw, victory for Modi

New Delhi: All of the authorized battles towards the abrogation of Article 370 of the Structure, which supplies particular standing to Jammu and Kashmir, have come to an finish. The Supreme Courtroom additionally rejected the petitions to overview the Supreme Courtroom Structure Bench judgment upholding the removing of 370. The petitioners' final straw was thus misplaced. That is an genuine victory for the Modi authorities.

Chief Justice D.Y. said that there is no such thing as a mistake within the verdict and it shouldn’t be reviewed. Chandrachud, Justices Sanjiv Khanna, B.R. Gawai, Suryakant, A.S. A bench comprising Bopanna, Awami Nationwide Convention and Jammu and Kashmir People's Democratic Party rejected the petitions. On December 11, 2023, the repeal of Article 370 was upheld by the court docket and held to be constitutionally legitimate.

On August 6, 2019, the Middle abrogated Article 370 and divided Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories (Jammu and Ladakh). Following this, petitions filed by opposition events and separatists had been torrential. After 4 years of arguments, the Supreme Courtroom upheld the Central measures.

Though the overview petitions had been examined and rejected by the judges' chambers on May 1, the decision was launched on May 21. Jammu and Kashmir Excessive Courtroom Bar Affiliation and Adv. Muzaffar Iqbal Khan additionally filed petitions. The ultimate authorized motion is in these overview petitions. Justice S.Okay. Kaul later retired. As a substitute of A.S. Bopanna was included.

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