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The Chief Minister skipped the Dubai events and returned home early; Minister Riaz has not returned

Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his household returned to the capital after finishing their international go to sooner than scheduled. He arrived at Thiruvananthapuram airport on a Dubai-Thiruvananthapuram flight round 3.15 am on Saturday. Right now, the Chief Minister was knowledgeable that he would return solely after taking part in a program in Dubai, however he skipped this system and returned early.

Normally, when the Chief Minister returns, it’s customary to obtain the DGP and others. However this time, because the Chief Minister modified his selections and returned unexpectedly, it was not potential to organize ample receptions. Minister Muhammad Riaz, who went overseas with the Chief Minister, has not returned. Stories are that Minister Riaz will return after taking part within the occasions being held in Dubai right this moment.

His spouse Kamala and grandson had been with him. It was earlier introduced that he would return on Sunday. Daughter Veena and son-in-law minister P.A., who had been on tour with the Chief Minister. Mohammad Riaz may even return on Sunday. On the sixth of this month, the Chief Minister and his household left Kerala for a non-public go to to Dubai, Singapore and Indonesia.

When the Lok Sabha elections had been occurring within the nation, the opposition events raised many criticisms concerning the Chief Minister going overseas together with his household with out even taking part within the election campaigns in different states.

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