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The Election Commission finally released the data of voting in the first 5 phases, the data was released when the matter reached the Supreme Court

It’s value noting that every one the opposition events and numerous civil organizations had been demanding the discharge of the particular variety of voters in every part, whereas the Election Fee was releasing the voting share and this too was taking 3 to 11 days. Within the press observe issued together with making the figures public, the Election Fee stated, “As per Rule 49 V (2) of the Conduct of Election Rules 1961, agents of candidates are always allowed to carry EVMs and statutory papers, including Form 17C, from the polling station to storage in the strong room.” It stated, “Candidates or their agents bring a copy of Form 17C to the counting center and compare it with the result of each round.”

It’s value mentioning that the complete controversy is in regards to the fast launch of knowledge from Kind 17C and Kind 17C (Half 2) of the Conduct of Election Guidelines, 1961, which document quite a lot of information beginning with the identify of every polling station and the variety of voters. It additionally comprises the variety of rejected votes, and eventually the variety of accepted votes. The second a part of Kind 17C can be necessary. It comes into impact on the day of counting (which will likely be on June 4 this time), when the variety of votes of all candidates is checked towards the whole variety of accepted votes on the day of polling. Its function is to keep away from manipulation of votes.

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