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The story of the 1957 general elections, in the words of the then presiding officer Sardar Gurcharan Singh

Sindri (Dhanbad), Ajay Upadhyay: Sardar Guruchan Singh has seen 90 springs. Got here to Sindri from Chandigarh on the age of 20. Was a foreman in a fertilizer firm. Performed the function of presiding officer within the second normal election of 1957.

People weren’t even conscious concerning the elections

It’s mentioned that so much has modified since then. Earlier, the general public didn’t even know concerning the subsequent week's voting…there was no technique of communication for the widespread individuals. It was solely from the leaders that the general public got here to know when the votes have been to be forged. Whereas speaking to Prabhat Khabar correspondent, he gave detailed details about the sooner and now elections.

Leaders had much less time to convey the message to the general public.

Gurucharan Singh mentioned that within the normal elections at the moment, the one approach to convey the message of the leaders to the general public was by intensive public relations marketing campaign. Now candidates are getting months of time earlier than voting, however earlier 10 days was sufficient time. It used to take a number of days for the elections and their outcomes to come back.

A month in the past, site visitors was disrupted on account of elections.

To finish the election course of, site visitors was disrupted a month upfront. Together with this, the extra burden of election bills on the general public elevated. Even in conducting elections, the method of taking many machines together with poll paper to distant locations and delivering them safely after conducting the elections was fairly cumbersome.

Newspapers and tv facilitated candidates in campaigning

He mentioned that step by step newspapers after which tv took over the election marketing campaign. Candidates obtained some reduction in election marketing campaign. However with the appearance of EVM course of, it grew to become simpler to conduct elections and guarantee their security. Together with this, outcomes began coming quickly. He mentioned that the nation has additionally benefited economically with time on account of digital course of.

What have been the technique of publicity within the 60s?

For publicity, in the present day candidates are getting the ability to marketing campaign in automobiles with loudspeakers, however within the 60s, individuals used to enchantment to individuals to vote by visiting one another's homes and telling them their election image.

The assistance of NCC cadets was taken for peaceable elections

Presently, the district administration throughout the nation is attempting to conduct peaceable elections with the usage of police power, CRPF, Military and many others. Nonetheless, one thing is occurring someplace, at the moment the providers of NCC cadets have been taken to conduct peaceable elections.

Learn this additionally: Dhanbad Lok Sabha: Silent voters in Dhanbad elevated the stress of the candidates.

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