
The vision of Sree Narayana Gurudeva looms large throughout Kumaranashan's works.

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Sivagiri: Swami Rithambarananda, former common secretary of Srinarayana Dharmasangham Belief and secretary of Sivagiri Srinarayana Medical Mission Hospital stated that the imaginative and prescient of Srinarayana Gurudev is shadowed all through Kumaranashan's works.
Swami was inaugurating the Aasan Smriti Samlan organized by Sivagiri Math as a part of Mahakavi Kumaranashan's demise centenary. It was Gurudev who reworked Kumaru of Kayakkara into the Mahakavi Kumaranashan and impressed Asan to compose poems that deviated from the sooner poems. Swami stated that every one the Aasan works are in reward of Gurudev and as a part of the each day prayers of Gurudeva devotees, the Gurustavam of Aasan has conquered the minds of devotees greater than Gurudeva works. Prof. Dr. Sushila delivered a memorial lecture by trainer Aashan.

Program Coordinator Vetur Shashi presided. Inauguration of Kaviarang by A. V. Bahuleyan carried out. Shoni. G. Cheruvila, G. Manoharan, Sivagiri Math P.R.O. E. M. Somanathan and others preached. About forty folks sang poems.

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