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Today in Uthratapach, tomorrow is Thiruvonam; Country and city with final preparations

The nation and town are making closing preparations to welcome Maveli. People of all ages have been busy shopping for issues for Thiruvananthapuram, shopping for Onakodi and shopping for flowers. It’s Saturday in Uttadapatch. Native markets and vegetable stalls have been opened at intersections with native greens. Greens are offered on primary roads, by-roads and in open automobiles. The value of banana leaves for serving dinner has gone up available in the market. 12 per piece. A month in the past it was Rs.4–5.

The state authorities has made an efficient intervention available in the market. Inflation has been contained. Supplyco's 14 District Markets, 77 Taluk Markets and Meeting Constituency Markets are busy. 15-0-0 co-operative market is run below the management of Consumerfed. 13 sponsored objects of the federal government and different day by day use objects can be found right here at an enormous low cost. There’s additionally a sexy low cost on round 200 objects.

Supplyco market began from fifth and Co-operative market from sixth. Agriculture division has opened 2000 vegetable markets. Greens are 30 % cheaper right here. A lot of the greens are procured from farmers at a worth of ten % greater than the final market. Markets have been began throughout the state below the management of Kudumbashree. All markets will shut by Saturday night. 7500 tons of flowers reached the market from the fields of Kerala. Milma additionally delivered a further 125 lakh liters of milk for distribution.

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