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Tragic road accident in Ambala, Haryana, 7 people died in a collision between a bus and a truck, more than 20 injured

After receiving details about the accident, the police-administration group reached the spot and carried out a rescue operation. The injured have been admitted to the hospital.

Photo: Social Media
Picture: Social Media

A horrific street accident has taken place on the Ambala-Delhi-Jammu nationwide freeway in Haryana. 7 folks died and greater than 20 folks have been injured in a collision between a truck and a minibus. There was chaos on the spot after the collision. Native folks reached the spot to assist the injured. After receiving the data, the police-administration group additionally reached the spot and carried out a rescue operation. The injured have been admitted to the hospital.

Printed: 24 May 2024, 8:24 AM

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