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Vastu Tips: Do you keep a wooden temple at home? Don't ignore these things even by mistake

Vastu Suggestions: Vastu Shastra has a variety of significance in our life. If we imagine the consultants, when issues are executed in accordance with the scriptures, then the outcomes are very auspicious and optimistic, whereas, when issues are executed towards Vastu Shastra, then their outcomes are additionally fairly reverse and damaging. For info, allow us to let you know that each drawback has been solved in Vastu Shastra. By following the guidelines given in it, you may take away each type of drawback out of your life. At this time on this article we’re going to let you know that if there’s a wood temple in your home, then what issues do you have to take particular care of. So let's know.

What wooden ought to the temple be manufactured from?

In case you are planning to purchase a wood temple, then you need to take particular care that it’s manufactured from Sheesham or Teak wooden. If a temple is made utilizing these woods, then it’s thought-about very auspicious. You also needs to take care that the wooden just isn’t infested with termites. If there are termites within the wooden, then it brings poverty in the home.

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Through which route ought to the temple be positioned

In case you are pondering of establishing a temple in your home, then you need to take particular care of its route. If you would like, you may maintain the temple in direction of the north. Not solely this, the east route can be thought-about good for establishing the temple.

Care for cleanliness

If you’ll set up a temple, then first take excellent care of the cleanliness of that place. Not solely this, on the place the place you might be establishing the temple, first sprinkle Gangajal there.

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Select an auspicious day

In case you are establishing a temple, then you need to select an auspicious day for this. You’ll be able to take strategies for this from an astrologer or an professional.

Lay out the material first

Take particular care that earlier than putting in idols within the temple, unfold a crimson or yellow material at that place. In case you do that then God is happy and his blessings at all times stay on you.

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