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Vishwarupa Darshan of Lord

VThe twelfth chapter describes the swarupadarshan. In line with Hanuman's need to see the common type of the Lord, Janakinathan spoke thus.

I’ll duly let you know of the Visvarupa, who has graced me with Vayuputra pada seva, and who’s past phrases, and who could seem unusual in phantasm, as a result of he has visvupadarsanayoga. However don't be afraid. Why ought to I be afraid when I’m near Swamin Bhagavan? To Hanuman's reply that I can hear it out of your face, Lord Vayuputra warns him to not assume like that. As soon as listening to the outline of my Vishwarupa, Brahma and even the Indradis, the Devagana, have been shaken.

Kapishreshtha—Take into account a kind in thoughts that can’t be touched by anybody, however with huge arms unfold throughout, eyes, face, nostrils, and head all-pervasive. Throughout respiration by its nasal cavities, the seventeen and fourteen worlds transfer out and in like tiny gnats. There are billions of universes with Anguming as a hair decoration. The seven oceans, counting the drops of water on the cheek, dwell in it. All the good rivers and mountain ranges cling to it like mud. Even the noon solar seems solely as a flicker of sunshine. On the navel of this type of Virat, there are a lot of hundreds of four-faced four-faced figures clinging like lotus pollen. My universe

Additionally know that primitiveness is infinite. The solar and moon shine as its earlobes. Brahma Tejas and Kshattra Tejas are dissolved in it, flourishing with the Akhanda physique which is unfold within the exterior worlds. Even when my kind is assumed to be ethereal and uncommon, which can’t be seen or heard.

On this approach, when Janakinathan started to explain the universe, Hanuman, who tried to see it by his senses, turned infatuated. Itukanda Sri Ramachandra Prabhu took Hanuman in his arms and woke him up by giving him chilly water. When he totally regained consciousness, the Lord started to renew his Vishvarupa varna. However listening to that, Hanuman, the son of Anjaneya, hugged each the toes of Lord Rama and stated thus. 'O Ocean of Compassion, I understand that Your common kind is filled with splendor, unusual and mysterious. Even the reminiscence of it makes me faint. You who’re omnipresent, all-powerful, indescribable and infinite in energy, have mercy on me who’s weak. I depend on your two toes, which even Brahma can not see. Please kindly forgive me for being a mere monkey.

When Hanuman stated this to his 'steamy eyes and throat', the merciful Lord mercifully comforted Hanuman by holding him in his arms and ended the Vishwarupa Varna.

The Pratipadya matter within the thirteenth chapter is the reason of Hanuman's query concerning the Taraka Mantra.
(to be continued)

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