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A major accident was averted in Kedarnath, emergency landing of a helicopter coming from Sirsi to the shrine, passengers narrowly escaped

Rudraprayag's District Catastrophe Administration Officer NS Rajwar stated, “The helicopter was going from Sersi to Kedarnath in the morning. Due to a technical fault 100 meters before the Kedarnath helipad, the helicopter had to make an emergency landing.” There have been 6 passengers together with the pilot within the helicopter. The helicopter was going from Sersi helipad to Shri Kedarnath Dham when instantly there was some technical fault within the helicopter of Crystal Aviation.

In response to pilot Kalpesh, all of the passengers are secure. If emergency touchdown was not accomplished, a giant accident might have occurred. After the secure touchdown, the passengers additionally breathed a sigh of aid. In response to the report, 9 helicopter providers are at present operating in Kedarnath Dham.

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